A safe birth is not a certainty

Whether Bern, Niederwangen, Ndjamena or Dhaka - if mother and child are healthy and well after a birth, it is a reason to be grateful.

No one can guarantee that their own birth story will have a happy ending, even if the chances in Switzerland are very high thanks to the good health care and the care provided by midwives and doctors.

The situation in the project countries of Women's Hope is quite different. In Ethiopia, Chad, Bangladesh or Afghanistan, more than half of the women give birth at home without professional care. This has consequences: The risk of dying in childbirth is real, as is the risk of suffering devastating birth injuries.

A token of solidarity: the Soli-Bib

Set a sign of solidarity with those women who cannot rely on good health care. Help make pregnancy and childbirth safer in developing countries.

Order our Waxprint Soli-Bib - for yourself or another person

With this amount (CHF 50.-) you cover approximately the cost of accompanying a woman with a high-risk pregnancy in one of our project countries.

The bibs feature different African wax prints and are machine washable. They are made by an Ivorian-Polish family business in Poland. Requests for colours can only be considered to a limited extent.

Our Soli-Bibs

Solidarity Bib

Cover picture: © Salomon Djekorgee Dainyoo/WHI/Fairpicture

Soli-Bib (donation included) for 50 CHF

Solidarity Bib

Order a Soli-Bib for someone else!

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Address details: Donor

* Salutation

Adress details: person receiving the bib

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