Midwife sponsorship
Your contribution to safe deliveries

As a sponsor you help to train midwives who are willing to serve women and families in their community.
Two good reasons for becoming a midwifery sponsor
You help to empower women: Young women receive a good vocational training and thus new perspectives in life. The education helps to strengthen their position in society.
You contribute to safe deliveries: Midwives answer questions on family planning, supervise expectant mothers during pregnancy and child birth and are responsible for the initial care of newborn children. The number of safe births increases through skilled midwives.
The training of a midwife takes three to four years depending on the programme. The effective training costs vary by country and training programme and amount on average to 125 Swiss francs per month.
Cover picture: Midwives at Hamlin Fistula Hospital; Image: Hanspeter Baertschi
Safe deliveries through skilled midwives

"I want to become a midwife so that mothers and their children no longer die during childbirth in the area where I come from."
Illi, midwifery student in Ethiopia
As a sponsor you are making a regular monthly contribution of your choice. The contribution can be ceased at any time. A short message to Women's Hope suffices.
The sponsorship is not linked to a specific midwifery student but aims to contribute to the training of as many midwives as possible. It is therefore not possible to establish a personal contact.