A midwife for every mother - strengthening midwifery education in St. Luke College

Women's Hope International has supported the training of midwives and nurses at the midwifery school of St. Luke Catholic Hospital in Wolisso since 2011.
Our Goal
Training qualified midwives to significantly reduce maternal and neonatal mortality in Ethiopia.
Midwives play a central role in reducing maternal mortality. However, although they are urgently needed, there is a lack of professionally competent and well-trained midwives, especially in rural areas of Ethiopia. This is also the case in the Oromia region, where St. Luke Hospital is located. Another issue is the quality of training. Only if the midwives have received high-quality training will they later be able to competently care for women during childbirth. In this way, the trust of women and their families in the health facilities can also grow.
What we do
To sustainably strengthen maternal health in the region, we support St. Luke College for Midwifery and Nursery in the implementation of the midwifery degree programme. This is what our support looks like:
We enable students from the region to receive high-quality vocational training. Part of the training costs are borne by the students. To ensure that everyone can complete their studies, the contributions are adapted to financial and family circumstances and are partly covered in full.
We support the college so that the training is sound and relevant to practice:
For example, students practise procedures in a simulation room and assist experienced midwives at the hospital during consultations and births. In addition, students are introduced to everyday work through internships in regional health centres.
The further training of the teachers is promoted. Two teachers per year are financially supported to complete a three-year Master's degree.
Every trained midwife accompanies women in the region during pregnancy and birth, contributing to better maternal health.
Young women from difficult backgrounds receive support so that they can complete their training.
St. Luke College is able to offer a high-quality education that optimally prepares students for their everyday professional life.

Through the training of young people from the region and pre-vocational placements in the local communities, the aspiring midwives are well acquainted with local conditions and can build confidence in the health services. The midwives accompany pregnant women and families and thus improve health care in Ethiopia. Good professional training gives young people new prospects in life for themselves and their families.
Do you want to help improve maternal health? Then donate now for the work of Women's Hope! Thank you very much for your donation.
Projcet insights
Cover picture: Midwives at the Hamlin College of Midwives, Image: Hanspeter Baertschi
Local partner organisation:
St. Luke Catholic Hospital
Target groups:
Aspiring midwives, aspiring nurses, college teachers, pregnant women and their families
Beneficiaries per year:
Approx. 100 students and 7 teachers
Project location: Wolisso, Ethiopia
Local partner: St. Luke College

Since 2009, Women's Hope works with St. Luke College of Nursery and Midwifery with the aim to improve maternal health.
Programme Manager
Programme Officer
Sponsor a midwifery student!
Through regular giving (e.g. 125/month) you make it possible for a young woman to become a midwife. Thanks to your sponsored midwifery student many mothers will experience a secure childbirth.