Girls playing football, Bangladesh

Child marriages are widespread throughout Bangladesh. To change this, Women's Hope International has been working with our partner organisation LAMB in the north of the country, in the subdistrict of Parbatipur, since July 2018.


Girls get to decide if, when and whom they marry. Married girls lead healthy, empowered and self-determined lives.


Bangladesh has one of the highest rates of child marriages in the world. Despite a legal ban, two out of three girls are married before they are 18 years old. 51% of girls are married off under the age of 18, 15% at younger than 15. Girls from poor backgrounds are particularly affected. Extreme poverty is one of many causes of child marriages. The great inequality between men and women and the associated low social position of girls in society also play a role. For the girls affected, forced marriage usually also means the end of school education. They often become pregnant at an early age and are exposed to greater risks during pregnancy and childbirth due to their young age.
Violence within marriage is widespread and is considered normal and accepted by large sections of society. According to surveys by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), 73% of married women in Bangladesh experience violence at the hands of their partner.

What we do

The programme in Bangladesh works on different levels. In order for child marriages in Bangladesh to finally be a thing of the past, a social change has to happen. Since January 2023, the new project phase has been running with the aim of creating an environment for girls and women that free of violence. To this end, at the request of the girls and women, boys and men will now also be more closely involved in the project, as they play a central role in combating child marriages and gender-based violence. Our project in Bangladesh is carrying out the following activities:

We continue with the 30 safe spaces formed in the first phase of the project and expand them with new offers such as cultural events and computer training.

we raise awareness among key decision-makers and parents about the harmful consequences of child marriages and reinforce dialogues on gender-based violence and equality.

adolescent men are educated about harmful gender norms and motviated to challenge and change them.

Health workers receive training and education to best support pregnant women and prevent gender-based violence.

Regular advocacy meetings with government officials help ensure that legal mechanisms to prevent child marriage and gender-based violence are functioning.

Our goals

The girls are strengthened in their self-confidence and have means at hand to defend themselves against a forced marriage

Women and girls take informed decisions regarding their sexual and reproductive health and claim their rights.

Communities are sensitised to the harmful consequences of child marriages

Men and boys take increased responsibility in the area of sexual and reproductive health and rights, promote equality and advocate against gender-based violence.

Networks and legal mechanisms to protect against child marriage and gender-based violence are functioning.

Strong Girls, Bangladesh


The project invests in young girls and women. Child brides usually have to drop out of school and become young mothers. In teenage pregnancies, birth injuries are more common and the risk of dying in childbirth increases. Men need to be made aware of issues such as sexual and reproductive health and rights and gender-based violence at a young age. This is the only way to break harmful behavioral norms and pave the way for a more equal society.

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Project insights

Project Ending Child Marriage, Bangladesh
Workshop ECM, Bangladesh
Strong Girls, Bangladesh
Strong Girls, Bangladesh


Phase II: 01.01.2023-30.06.2025
Perparatory phase: 01.07.2022-31.12.2022
Local partner:  
LAMB (Lutheran Aid Medicine in Bangladesh)
Target groups:
Girls and their families, men and boys from the communities, husbands of recently married girls, local leaders

Direct beneficiaries:
12'500 girls, of which about 1,500 are particularly vulnerable

Project location:
Subdistrict Parbatipur, Bangladesh

Partner: LAMB


Lutheran Aid to Medicine Bangladesh (LAMB) has been active in Bangladesh since the 1970s and is now regarded as a key provider of healthcare services there.

Programme Manager

Noemi Grossen

Noemi Grossen
+41 (0)31 991 55 56


Muriel Weyermann

The project is funded with the support of Otto per Mille of the Waldensian Church of Italy and other supporters.

We thank all supporters for their valuable contribution.

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Through your regular giving you make actions in the fight against forced and child marriage possible.

Sponsorship "Strong girls and women"

Workshop ECM, Bangladesh

Workshop ECM, Bangladesh