Access to obstetric care for women in rural areas of the Laghman province

Women's Hope International works in eastern Afghanistan to ensure that women in regions severely affected by conflict and natural disasters have the opportunity to give birth safely and with medical care.
Reducing maternal mortality rates in least developed areas in Afghanistan.
In the Laghman province in eastern Afghanistan, many families are suffering from the consequences of armed conflict, natural disasters, disease and poverty. People from remote villages are largely cut off from health care: The few available transport options are too expensive for large parts of the population. On the other hand, the health system is severely weakened after years of conflict. There is a lack of staff and of essential medicines, the infrastructure of health facilities is poor.
Pregnant women are seriously affected by this situation. Most health centres are poorly equipment, lack privacy and suffer from medicines shortages. This contributes to the decision made by many women not to undertake the cumbersome journey to the health facility in the first place. Another major problem is the lack of female obstetric staff. For many women from the Laghman Province, the prospect of being examined by a male doctor or nurse during childbirth is a big taboo.
Maternal mortality in Afghanistan is currently one of the highest in the world.
What we do
This is how we try to overcome local barriers and strengthen the health system:
We promote the education and training of female midwives and health workers
We support health facilities in developing infrastructure, procuring medicines and help to stockpile them
We cover transport costs to health centres for pregnant and birthing women
Our goals
Female qualified midwives and health workers are available day and night. Thanks to the creation of shelters on the premises of the health centres, female health workers can also support and treat childbearing and pregnant women at night
The privacy of pregnant and birthing women in the health facilities is improved
Social barriers that make it difficult for women to access health services have been removed
Through the education and training of female health workers and the development of infrastructure for more privacy, the weakened health system in the Laghman province in Afghanistan is sustainably strengthened. The project also foresees the deployment of community health workers who are directly active in the communities and help to raise awareness on maternal health issues. Important key persons such as village elders or religious leaders are strongly involved in the project.

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01.01.2021 - 31.12.2024
Local partner:
Première Urgence Internationale (PUI)
Target groups:
Women, newborns, pregnant women, community stakeholders, health workers, especially midwives